Best Equipment for Auto Repair Shops

Have you been dreaming of opening your auto repair shop one day? It is the next step in the journey of every aspiring mechanic. However, just your amazing mechanic skills are not going to be enough for opening an auto repair shop. Most auto repair shop owners would agree that EQUIPMENT IS KING when it comes to auto repair shops. Without access to top-class equipment, your auto repair shop will be unable to give the best service possible. And good equipment DOESN’T COME CHEAP. However, lucky for you, there are several auto repair shop loans that you can consider. 

 But first, let us cover the list of must-have equipment for your new auto repair shop. 

Essential Equipment for Auto Repair

Air Compressor, the most classic and needed equipment for Auto Repair

 First, let us start with the good old air compressor. It is classic equipment that’s a must-have for every auto repair shop.. Air compressors in gas stations get used for filling up tires. But car mechanics often need them to operate pneumatic tools and even auto lifts. It is a piece of essential equipment for your shop. 

A/C Machine, an expensive yet worth every penny equipment for Auto Repair

Next, we have the  A/C repair machine. In the summers, when it feels like 100 degrees outside, your customers will surely want their car air conditioning to work perfectly. It is a good investment for any auto repair shop and even more valuable in hotter climates like Texas or Florida. The machine is fantastic for faster and more reliable diagnosis of problems with the A/C systems. leading to faster turnaround times and happy customers.

Engine Hoist

If you want to play in the big league, you have to do some serious engine repairs. Those are the most complex and most rewarding jobs. But to get started on it, one of the most vital pieces of equipment you need is an engine hoist. It helps you handle delicate machinery with care. It also saves you time and the risk of physically wheeling out an engine out of a car. It is a piece of must-have equipment for your auto repair shop. 

Battery Charger and Jump Box

With a good battery charger and a jump box, you can get right to repairing those dead and faulty batteries. Most cars you’ll see inevitably have a battery charging issue. And having this equipment in your auto repair shop will help you solve those dead battery problems immediately. 

Oil Drain and Oil Caddy

Most times car owners come to an auto repair shop simply for an oil change or a transmission fluid change. These jobs will require you to have an oil caddy of the largest capacity to help drain all the oil from the car. If you are working on a vehicle with lifts, having a standing oil caddy will make your job easier. It is one of the essential pieces of equipment that you need for your auto repair shop.

Brake Lathe

Finally, a brake lathe is an expensive but excellent equipment for auto repair shops. It effectively pays for itself by increasing your profits by doing in-house brake jobs. Taking your rotors and your drums to another service station can eat into your profits. And it increases the wait times for your customers too. Thus, having a brake lathe will help you serve your customers better at the end of the day. 

Getting started with equipment for your auto repair business

All of this equipment may seem overwhelming at first. However, it is the secret recipe to running a successful auto repair shop. But buying all of this equipment is a massive investment. When you start a new business, you aren’t sure of your sales and don’t have any collateral for getting loans. Even an established shop will need to upgrade themselves and get top-notch equipment to stay in the market. So how are you supposed to get the funds to purchase this expensive equipment?

The solution to all your problems here is Equipment Financing. Whether you’re a start-up or an established business, you can count on Inspyre Funding to finance the purchase of your next piece of technology or equipment. And the good news is that you don’t even need additional collateral as the purchased piece of equipment will itself work as collateral for the lender. So don’t let anything stop you from experiencing your dreams! Go, Get Them!